Stock No : APP/111/A7
Number of the Item : 1 No Vishnu Statue With Snake on Head Along With Rosewood Base (Dismantle)
Material : White Wood
Height : 22" / 55.9 cms
Width : 12" / 30.5 cms
Length : 6"/ 15.24 cms
Net Weight : 4.000 Kgs
Description : Vishnu is one of the principal Hindu deities, worshiped as the protector and preserver of the world and restorer of dharma (moral order). In his hands he holds a discus, conch and a club. The conch represents "Om", the first sound of creation and also the beginning of matter, since sound and matter are consider to be synonymous. The discus is thought to represent the sun. Vishnu, like Shiva, was originally a minor deity with only five out to 1,028 hymns in the Rig Veda addressed to him. He seems to have been derived from a solar deity. The discus is a vestige of his solar origins. Vishnu's weapon, a gada or mace, represents the elemental force from which all physical and mental powers derive. There is a 5 headed serpent overhead and Vishnu sits on the coiled body of the serpent.