Stock No : R/562/G12
Number of Items : 1 No Wooden Lakshmi Design Patch Work
Material : Wood with Glass
Size : 8" x 8"
Net Weight : 0.350 gms
Description : Creation of this work of art is the combination of outstanding craftsmanship, technology, manual expertise and a creative mind. Different varieties of wood pieces are used for making this picture. Each wood is handpicked and no paint is used to color these wood pieces. Suitable for Show piece and decorative items.Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity. Laxmi’s idols and images are depicted as elegantly dressed and showering prosperity, which signifies economic activity in human life. Laxmi stands or sits like a yogini (Master in Yoga) on a lotus and also holds lotus in her hand which is symbol of fortune, self knowledge and spiritual liberation. Her four hands represent four goals of human life, those are ‘Dharma, Artha, kama, Moksha’.