Stock Number : APP/456/D8
Number of The Item : 1 No Goddess Standing Lakshmi Statue with Doom (Sandal wood god figure made by single wood more than 40years of old sandalwood tree)
Material : Sandal Wood with Fiber Doom
Size :
Height : 15.5" / 39.4 cm
Width : 6.3" / 16 cm
Length : 6.3" / 16 cm
Net Weight : 1.450 kgs
Description : The beautiful Lakshmi stands holding two lotus flowers, a symbol of beauty, prosperity and fertility, with her other two hands in the abhaya mudra showing her devotees that have nothing to fear from the goddess of wealth. She is beautiful! Her lips has a slight sublime smile. which give her a motherly, modest appearance. Her lavish head dress, jewelry are all finely carved fitting for the goddess of wealth. Her hands are soft and comforting each with a design carved on the palm.