Stock No : UR/20/A4
Number of Items : 1 No Painting (Women Sculpture)
Material : Oil On Canvas Painting ( Acrylic Frame )
Size :
Height : 34" / 76.2 cm
Width : 24" / 61 cm
Description : Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments with a medium of drying oil as the binder. Commonly used drying oils include linseed oil, poppy seed oil, walnut oil and safflower oil. The choice of oil imparts a range of properties to the paint, such as the amount of yellowing or drying time. The paint could be thinned with turpentine. Certain differences, depending on the oil, are also visible in the sheen of the paints. The oil may be boiled with a resin, such as pine resin or frankincense to create a varnish prized for its body and gloss. The paint itself can be molded into different textures depending on its plasticity.